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If You Want A Burger Eat A Burger Lyrics

If You Want A Burger Eat A Burger Lyrics


"If You Want A Burger Eat A Burger" is a song by the American rock band, The Vandals. It is a satirical take on the fast food culture in America. The lyrics are witty and sarcastic, which make it a popular song among the youth. The song was released in 1996 and has since become a favorite of many. In this article, we will discuss the lyrics of this song in detail.

Verse 1

The first verse of the song goes like this:

"If you want a burger... eat a burger
If you want a steak... eat a steak
If you want to drive a Lexus... buy a Lexus
But please don't be mistaken...
I don't wanna be your stinking vegan"

Verse 1 If You Want A Burger Eat A Burger Lyrics

The verse talks about people who try to impose their dietary choices on others. The singer is saying that if you want to eat a burger, then go ahead and eat one. If you want to eat a steak, then eat a steak. However, the singer does not want to be associated with anyone who is a vegan. This is because vegans are often seen as preachy and judgmental.


The chorus of the song goes like this:

"If you want a burger... eat a burger
If you want a fries... eat a fries
If you want a milkshake... drink a milkshake
But please don't ask me for a kelp burger"

Chorus If You Want A Burger Eat A Burger Lyrics

The chorus reiterates the message of the song. The singer is saying that people should be allowed to eat what they want without being judged. He is also making fun of the trend of kelp burgers, which are a vegan alternative to hamburgers.

Verse 2

The second verse of the song goes like this:

"If you want to smoke... smoke a cigarette
If you want to drink... drink a beer
If you want to drive a caddy... drive a caddy
But don't act like you're better than me"

Verse 2 If You Want A Burger Eat A Burger Lyrics

The second verse talks about the hypocrisy of people who try to impose their lifestyle choices on others. The singer is saying that if you want to smoke, then smoke. If you want to drink, then drink. However, don't act like you're better than him just because you follow a certain lifestyle.


The bridge of the song goes like this:

"I don't care about your politics
I don't care about your religion
I don't care about your yoga class
I don't care about your veganism"

Bridge If You Want A Burger Eat A Burger Lyrics

The bridge of the song is a parody of the things that people often talk about when they try to impose their lifestyle choices on others. The singer is saying that he does not care about someone's politics, religion, yoga class, or veganism. He just wants to be left alone to eat his burger.


"If You Want A Burger Eat A Burger" is a fun and satirical song that pokes fun at the trend of trying to impose one's lifestyle choices on others. The lyrics are witty and sarcastic, which make it a popular song among the youth. The song has become a cult classic and is still enjoyed by many today.

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