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Iannelli V Burger King N H Supreme Court Case

Court Room Supreme Court Of New Hampshire


The Iannelli v Burger King N H Supreme Court case is a landmark case that was decided by the New Hampshire Supreme Court in 1997. This case involved a woman named Noreen Iannelli, who was injured in a slip and fall accident at a Burger King restaurant. Ms. Iannelli sued Burger King for her injuries, and the case eventually made its way to the state's highest court.

The Facts

The incident occurred on December 3, 1992, when Ms. Iannelli visited a Burger King restaurant in Manchester, New Hampshire. While walking to the restroom, she slipped on a wet floor and fell, suffering injuries to her knee and back. Ms. Iannelli claimed that Burger King was negligent in not warning her about the wet floor, and failing to clean it up promptly.

Burger King Restaurant In Manchester, New Hampshire

The Lower Court Ruling

The case was first heard in the Hillsborough County Superior Court, where a jury awarded Ms. Iannelli over $700,000 in damages. Burger King appealed the verdict, arguing that the trial judge had made several errors. The New Hampshire Supreme Court agreed to hear the case on appeal.

The Supreme Court Ruling

The New Hampshire Supreme Court reversed the lower court's decision, ruling that Burger King was not liable for Ms. Iannelli's injuries. The court held that Ms. Iannelli had failed to prove that Burger King knew about the wet floor, or that the restaurant had failed to exercise reasonable care in maintaining the premises.

New Hampshire Supreme Court Building

The Impact

The Iannelli v Burger King N H Supreme Court case had a significant impact on premises liability law in the state of New Hampshire. The ruling established a high standard of proof for plaintiffs in slip and fall cases, requiring them to show that the defendant had actual or constructive notice of the dangerous condition. This ruling has been cited in numerous subsequent cases, and has helped to clarify the law in this area.


The Iannelli v Burger King N H Supreme Court case is an important case in the area of premises liability law. While the case did not result in a favorable outcome for Ms. Iannelli, it helped to clarify the legal standards for slip and fall cases in the state of New Hampshire. The ruling has had a lasting impact on the law, and continues to be cited in cases today.