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Where Did Burger King Foot Lettuce Come From

Burger King Foot Lettuce


If you're a fan of fast food, you may have heard the phrase "Burger King foot lettuce" and wondered where it came from. This phrase has become a popular meme on the internet, but it actually has a real story behind it. In this article, we'll explore the origins of Burger King foot lettuce and why it became an internet sensation.

The Incident

The phrase "Burger King foot lettuce" originated from a now-deleted post on the image-sharing website 4chan. The post included a photo of a Burger King employee standing in two bins of lettuce with the caption, "This is the lettuce you eat at Burger King." The post claimed that the employee had taken the photo as a protest against unsanitary conditions at the restaurant.

Burger King Employee In Lettuce

Response from Burger King

After the post went viral, Burger King released a statement condemning the employee's actions and stating that they had fired the employee responsible. The company also claimed that the photo was taken two years prior and that they had conducted an investigation which found that the lettuce was not served to customers.

The Meme

Despite Burger King's response, the phrase "Burger King foot lettuce" became a popular meme on the internet. It is often used to mock fast food restaurants for their alleged unsanitary practices. The meme has been referenced in various online communities, including YouTube videos, Reddit posts, and social media.

Impact on Burger King

The Burger King foot lettuce incident had a negative impact on the company's reputation. Many people were disgusted by the photo and questioned the cleanliness of Burger King's food. Some customers even reported finding foreign objects in their food at Burger King restaurants.

Burger King Logo

Burger King's Response Today

Since the incident, Burger King has taken steps to improve its food safety practices. The company has implemented new training programs for employees and has increased its inspections of restaurants. Burger King has also launched a new advertising campaign emphasizing the quality and freshness of its ingredients.


The Burger King foot lettuce incident may have started as a joke, but it had serious consequences for the company. While Burger King has taken steps to improve its food safety practices, the incident serves as a reminder of the importance of cleanliness and hygiene in the fast food industry.

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