Number 15 Burger King Foot Lettuce 1 Hour
If you're a fan of fast food, you've probably heard of Burger King's infamous "Number 15" - the burger that allegedly contains foot lettuce. This strange-sounding ingredient has become a popular meme online, but where did it come from? And is there any truth to the rumors?
The Origin of the Foot Lettuce Meme
The "foot lettuce" meme started in 2017 when a user on the image sharing site 4chan posted a photo of a Burger King employee standing in two containers of lettuce with the caption "This is the lettuce you eat at Burger King." The post was quickly shared and turned into a viral meme, with many people joking that the employee was adding "foot lettuce" to the burgers.
Despite the fact that the original post was likely a hoax, the meme has taken on a life of its own and become a popular joke among fast food enthusiasts.
What is the Number 15 Burger?
So, what is the Number 15 burger that is supposedly made with foot lettuce? The truth is that there is no official "Number 15" on the Burger King menu. Some people speculate that the meme refers to the Bacon King burger, which is sometimes referred to as the "BK Double Stack" or the "Double Whopper with Cheese." However, there is no evidence to suggest that this burger contains foot lettuce or any other unusual ingredients.
Is There Any Truth to the Foot Lettuce Rumors?
Despite the fact that the foot lettuce meme is almost certainly a hoax, it is true that fast food restaurants have been known to have problems with food safety and hygiene. In 2006, for example, a photo of a Taco Bell employee licking a stack of taco shells went viral and led to an investigation by the company.
While it's unlikely that any fast food restaurant would intentionally add disgusting ingredients like foot lettuce to their food, it's always a good idea to be cautious when eating out. Make sure to check for any signs of poor hygiene or food safety violations, and report any concerns to the restaurant or local health department.
In Conclusion
The "Number 15 Burger King Foot Lettuce 1 Hour" meme may be funny, but it's important to remember that it is just a meme. There is no evidence to suggest that any fast food restaurant adds foot lettuce or other disgusting ingredients to their food. However, it's always important to be vigilant when it comes to food safety and hygiene, especially when eating out.